Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Every Deceased NHL Player From My Lifetime

I had maintained this list over on Facebook, but with Facebook shutting down its blogging services, I might as well transition this to this forum. Over the past year or so I've been keeping track of the players in each of the four major team sports (baseball, basketball, football, hockey) that made it to the top league in their respective sport (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL) sometime in my lifetime (I was born January 25, 1985) that has since passed away. The list of NHL players that has passed away has been fairly small, which makes sense since the rosters are generally pretty small. The list now consists of 121 names, nine of which passed away in the tragic Yaroslav Lokomotiv plane accident in 2011. These players are listed in reverse chronological order from their final NHL games. If they played their last game on the same day, then the player that died later is listed earlier.

*indicates the player is in the Hall of Fame

02/21/2020 - Colby Cave (1994-2020)

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