Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Every Deceased NFL Player From My Lifetime

I had maintained this list over on Facebook, but with Facebook shutting down its blogging services, I might as well transition this to this forum. Over the past year or so I've been keeping track of the players in each of the four major team sports (baseball, basketball, football, hockey) that made it to the top league in their respective sport (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL) sometime in my lifetime (I was born January 25, 1985) that has since passed away. I was inspired to create the NFL list after watching Killer Inside, the documentary about the life and death of former Patriots wide receiver Aaron Hernandez. As I went on Pro Football Reference and compiled the list it struck me at just how many former NFL players have died. There are a grand total of 517 former football players that's played in the NFL during my lifetime, more than the other three sports combined. It's true NFL teams have larger rosters than the other sports, but it's not significantly larger than something like baseball where teams swap players from their minor league affiliates all the time. I looked up a lot of the deaths and it seems many of the players died prematurely from things such as murders, suicides, car accidents, and heart attacks, often before the age of 45. I don't know if it's all statistically significant or not, but it may be a sign of just how damaging football can be.

Anyways, these players are listed in reverse chronological order from their last game in the NFL. If multiple players had their last games on the same day, then the player that died later will be listed first. This is especially obvious since there are almost 40 players that last played in October 1987, almost all of them replacement players from the 1987 NFL strike detailed in this video

* indicates the player is in the Hall of Fame

01/01/2017 - George Atkinson (1992-2019)

01/01/2017 - Edwin Jackson (1991-2018)

01/08/2011 - Jimmy Wilkerson (1981-2024)


01/06/2002 - Ben Gay (1980-2024)


12/'03/1995 - Brent Moss (1972-2022)

12/03/1995 - Toddrick McIntosh (1972-2014)

12/03/1995 - Alfred Oglesby (1967-2009)

01/16/1994 - Tunch Ilkin (1957-2021)

12/26/1993 - Markus Paul (1966-2020)

12/15/1991 - Herbie Anderson (1968-2024)


10/18/1987 - Joe Williams (1965-2020)

10/18/1987 - Avon Riley (1958-2020)

10/18/1987 - Lester Williams (1959-2017)

10/18/1987 - Patrick Cain (1962-2016)

10/18/1987 - Jon Roehlk (1961-2016)

10/18/1987 - Robert Sowell (1961-2015)

10/18/1987 - Brian Sisley (1964-2013)

10/18/1987 - Calvin Turner (1960-2012)

10/18/1987 - Fred Molden (1963-2011)

10/18/1987 - Steve Trimble (1958-2011)

10/18/1987 - Otis Grant (1961-2011)

10/18/1987 - Tony Brown (1964-2010)

10/18/1987 - Cullen Bryant (1951-2009)

10/18/1987 - Larry McCoy (1961-2008)

10/18/1987 - Rick Schulte (1963-2008)

10/18/1987 - Steve Wilburn (1961-2005)

10/18/1987 - Stanley Shakespeare (1963-2005)

10/18/1987 - Bill Roe (1958-2003)

10/18/1987 - Mike Kullman (1962-2003)

10/18/1987 - Jo Heath (1957-2002)

10/18/1987 - Treg Songy (1962-2002)

10/18/1987 - Joe Drake (1963-1994)

10/18/1987 - John Bruno (1964-1992)

10/18/1987 - Mike Witteck (1964-1990)

10/18/1987 - Ivory Curry (1961-1989)

10/18/1987 - Carl Monroe (1960-1989)

10/11/1987 - Brad White (1958-2022)

10/20/1985 - David Carter (1953-2021)

10/13/1985 - Rob Monaco (1961-2016)

10/06/1985 - Mitchell Brookins (1960-1993)

RIP everyone

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